Promotional Toolkit
Share information about the Oregon Innovation Showcase with your network in your email campaigns, newsletters, event calendars, social media, or other communications outlets. If you have questions or would like custom promotional tools, please email
About the Oregon Innovation Showcase
The Oregon Innovation Showcase will develop and strengthen relationships with deep tech investors, including those from out of state, by highlighting Oregon as a premier hub for innovation and startups. The event will feature successful Oregon-grown companies, emerging startups seeking funding, and the supportive state ecosystem that de-risks investments.
Fostering shared optimism for economic growth, the showcase is designed to engage entrepreneurs, connect them with investors, and highlight state ecosystem resources. This annual event focuses on deep tech, innovation-driven, scalable companies that may take over five years to develop, setting it apart from software or consumer products. Don’t miss the chance to network with investors and explore successful companies, emerging deep tech startups, and the state’s supportive ecosystem.
Register to join us in Portland, OR from May 19-20, 2025.
Sample Email Content
Join me at the Oregon Innovation Showcase on May 19-20, 2025. The Oregon Innovation Showcase will develop and strengthen relationships with deep tech investors, including those from out of state, by highlighting Oregon as a premier hub for innovation and startups. The event will feature successful Oregon-grown companies, emerging startups seeking funding, and the supportive state ecosystem that de-risks investments.
Find out more online:
I hope to see you there!
(Your Email Signature)
Conference signature graphic (see options below)
Social Media
Below you will find sample verbiage to use on social media channels. Tag #[insert tag here] and follow along with us at @[insert social page here].
Sample Social Posts
Excited to attend (or partner with) the Oregon Innovation Showcase from May 19-20 in Portland, OR! Check out the program and get details at
Join me at the Oregon Innovation Showcase on May 19-20, 2025. Developed to strengthen relationships with deep tech investors by highlighting Oregon as a premier hub for innovation and startups, the event will feature successful Oregon-grown companies, emerging startups seeking funding, and the supportive state ecosystem that de-risks investments. Find out more and register at
The graphics on this page can be downloaded and used in your promotions of the Oregon Innovation Showcase including the event logo and digital advertisements.